(02) 9387 4300 , Level 21, Westfield Tower 2, 101 Grafton Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 AUSTRALIA

  • Super Contributions rules for 2016/17

    Super Contributions rules for 2016/17

    The government announced significant amendments to Australia’s superannuation rules in this year’s Federal Budget, but the majority of proposed changes will not apply for the 2016/2017 year. Superannuation contributions are divided into two categories; concessional (before-tax) and non-concessional (after-tax). Both types of super contributions are subject to a contributions cap. A contributions cap is a […]

  • Contribution rules for over-65s

    Contribution rules for over-65s

    Confusion often exists surrounding the rules that apply to those wishing to make super contributions when they reach the age of 65. Here are five tips to help meet the super contribution rules for those who are 65 years of age or older. Those aged 65 or older must satisfy a work test and be […]

  • SMSF alternative to borrowering

    SMSF alternative to borrowering

    A deferred purchase instalment strategy is one way SMSF’s can add a direct business property to their  portfolios. Following changes announced in this year’s Federal Budget, self-managed super fund (SMSF) trustees may need to consider alternative strategies when adding a direct business property to their portfolios. A deferred purchase instalment strategy is also known as […]

  • What is a superannuation contribution?

    What is a superannuation contribution?

    Since superannuation contributions come in several forms; SMSF members would be wise to understand what contributions are available and how they might impact them in regards to the contribution limits. The ATO considers a ‘contribution’ as anything of value that increases the capital of a superannuation fund provided by a person whose purpose is to benefit one […]

  • How do franking credits work?

    How do franking credits work?

    Franking credits are a kind of tax credit that allows Australian companies to pass on the tax paid at company level to shareholders. Franking credits can reduce the income tax paid on dividends or potentially be received as a tax refund. Where a company distributes fully franked dividends (and those dividends are included in the taxable […]

  • Tax tips for property investors

    Tax tips for property investors

    Property investors can access a wide range of tax deductions and items subject to depreciation for their rental property yet many miss out on unknown tax breaks, foregoing an average of $20,000 a year on a $1 million house. Here are five ways to maximise your tax deductions while complying with the tax office: Use […]

  • ATO crackdown on work-related expenses

    ATO crackdown on work-related expenses

    The ATO is currently targeting work- related expenses by taking a closer look at unusual deductions and claims that are higher than expected. The Tax Office  will be looking for expense claims that are much higher than others who are in the same occupation and will be contacting employers to validate these claims. When claiming […]

  • ATO warns pre-retirees on SMSF tax schemes

    ATO warns pre-retirees on SMSF tax schemes

    The Australian Tax Office   has its sight set on individuals participating in an increasing number of aggressive tax avoidance and retirement planning schemes in self-managed superannuation funds.   The ATO has launched Super Scheme Smart, an initiative designed to help inform individuals and advisers about illegal retirement planning schemes. The program is a result […]

  • Age gracefully and plan for very long retirement

    Age gracefully and plan for very long retirement

    The Australian 12:00AM July 26, 2016 TONY NEGLINE Wealth columnist   Anyone in their forties and fifties should be financially planning to live well into their nineties … anyone younger than 40 should be assuming they will live beyond 100. Does this sound fanciful? Every new government report shows that Australians are living longer. As […]

  • Splitting super with your spouse

    Splitting super with your spouse

    Since change is an inevitable part of Australia’s superannuation system, taxpayers should always be aware of and on the lookout for super strategies that they can take advantage of. One such strategy, which is not only straightforward but also highly-effective, is splitting superannuation with your spouse. Splitting super with your spouse involves one partner (usually […]

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Level 21, Westfield Tower 2, 101 Grafton Street,
Bondi Junction NSW 2022

02 9387 4300
